Sunday, May 24, 2015

Countdown Part XIII: Songs #351-365 (BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!)

What a week!!! For those of you who read last week's blog, you may recall that our Facebook page was just under 800 "likes" and that I would post an extended countdown blog once we passed that milestone. Well, in just one week, we have grown from around 740 page "likes" to an incredible 1,351!!! I don't know where everyone came from, but we are so glad to have you along with us!

With the new computer in operation over here in the BORN Country office, we are hoping to start showcasing some album reviews as often as possible, starting this week if all goes as planned! While we are on the subject, let's take a look at the new releases that are coming this Tuesday (5/26) in country music:

- Country music legend John Anderson is releasing his first collection of new songs in 9 years this week! "Goldmine", I think will be a must here album. I am very excited for this one. Anderson performed with Keith Urban a few weeks back as part of the ACM Superstar Duets TV special and it was fantastic!

- Opening act for Brad Paisley's "Crushin' It: World Tour" this summer, Mickey Guyton releases a digital EP on Tuesday. If you are a radio listener, you have probably heard her current single "Better Than You Left Me" getting some airplay. This gal has some real talent and I look forward not only to these tracks, but seeing her live performance come July!

- Rissi Palmer made her own bit of history back in 2008, when she became the first African-American to chart a country music single since 1987. This week, Rissi is back with a digital EP titled "The Back Porch Sessions."

Moving on to our countdown list for the week, let me say here, that the "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" has yet to be revealed! Keep on reading!

BORN Country's 505 Favorite Country Singles Of The 90's!!!

365. Bryan White - So Much For Pretending
Album: Between Now And Forever
Year: 1996

I'm sure I posed this question along with the last Bryan White song on our countdown, but again, how is this guy not still charting huge country hits?! Well, besides the fact that he isn't singing about beer, or tailgating, or partying, I mean? Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means completely against songs of that nature, but here we have a strong single about a guy falling in love with a gal who doesn't even know he exists. Who can't relate to that? Isn't that what country music is all about? Real life!

364. George Strait - Round About Way
Album: Carrying Your Love With Me
Year: 1996

When I began this countdown project, I had every intention of making it at most, a 200 song list. As I got to picking songs, I realized that with George Strait, Alan Jackson, and Garth all included, I'd almost have half of the list already covered! As I stated at the beginning of this blog series, until we hit the last 50 songs or so, nothing is really in a particular order. If I'm not careful, we may have a whole week dedicated to "King George" himself!

363. Dixie Chicks - You Were Mine
Album: Wide Open Spaces
Year: 1998

While country radio and many fans in the U.S. have yet had enough time pass to forgive the Dixie Chicks, no list of the best 90's country songs would be complete without recognizing the incredible talent that this trio brought to the genre. "You Were Mine" is incredibly important in the history of the "Chicks" as it was the first song recorded with Natalie Maines in the lead vocals department and lead to her becoming a permanent part of the band. "You Were Mine" reached #1 on the Hot Country Songs chart and #34 on Billboard's Hot 100.

362. Trace Adkins - (This Ain't) No Thinkin' Thing
Album: Dreamin' Out Loud
Year: 1997

Now considered a country music mega star, we've got a little shocking trivia here for you: "No Thinkin' Thing" was the first #1 hit for Trace Adkins. Amazingly, he did not see the top of the charts again until "Ladies Love Country Boys" came around in 2006!

361. Alan Jackson - Tonight I Climbed The Wall
Album: A Lot About Livin' (And A Liittle 'bout Love)
Year: 1993

Part of me is fighting against the thought of having this song so high on the list. "A Lot About Livin'" was one of the first country CDs that I ever purchased, (after listening to mom's cassette tape on repeat forever, of course), and although I didn't really understand what it was about, I really liked singing along with this one. Kind of weird, for a kid, no?

360. David Lee Murphy - The Road You Leave Behind
Album: Gettin' Out The Good Stuff
Year: 1996

David Lee Murphy recently announced that his next album, coming sometime in 2015 (hopefully!) will be co-produced by long time pal, Kenny Chesney. Chesney will appear on at least one track and I'm crossing my fingers that we might see Murphy joining in on a tour next summer after the album is out... Now that would be awesome! "The Road" peaked at #5 on the Hot Country Songs chart.

359. Tracy Byrd - Big Love
Album: Big Love
Year: 1996

The last time that we featured a Tracy Byrd song in our countdown, I believe I had read that he had completely removed himself from the music industry and hadn't even a Facebook/Twitter account. Turns out that he is indeed still playing small shows around Texas. I sure hope he plans on getting out a little further when he is ready! (Incase you happen to see this, we need you in Ohio, Tracy!) "Big Love" was originally recorded by Chris LeDoux, before Byrd took the song to #3.

358. Garth Brooks - Shameless
Album: Ropin' The Wind
Year: 1991

Along with "In Pieces" Garth's first compilation, titled "The Hits", was my introduction to Brooks. I recall loving the booklet that had little notes about each song in the collection. Garth explained that he had received the album with this Billy Joel song included after he joined a record club (Just like me!) and neglected to send in the "decline" form for the CD of the month. (Also just like me, ask my mom...She loved it.) Garth asked for Joel's permission to record the song and like that, another #1 was born!

357. David Ball - When The Thought Of You Catches Up With Me
Album: Thinkin' Problem
Year: 1994

I hope this comes off as a compliment and not all all as a negative, but I believe David Ball to be a perfect example of a country artist with so much talent and desire to make real country music, that they just cannot fit in the world of country radio. Ball's first single, "Thinkin' Problem" was a huge radio hit, followed by "Thought", that peaked at #7. After that, the radio love was mostly gone. David released an incredible album in the early 2000's titled "Amigo" that included a minor radio success, but otherwise, mainstream success just wasn't there. Ball continues to successfully tour the country and I hope to get a chance to see him play soon!

356. Mindy McCready - Guys Do It All The Time
Album: Ten Thousand Angels
Year: 1996

It's the classic country theme in which a female singer turns the "typical guy" stereotypes around, in order to allow the men see how annoying they can be. Its been around forever, with many different voices. This may sound like a complaint, but heck, this song is catchy! McCready took "Guys" to #1 on the Hot Country Songs chart.

355. George Strait - Easy Come, Easy Go
Album: Easy Come, Easy Go
Year: 1993

What did I tell ya? We can't even get through this edition of the countdown list without at least two George Strait hits! I'm sure there will be no complaints from you guys, though! This classic country hit easily took the #1 spot on the Hot Country Songs chart. Man, what a performance in the video below!

354. Collin Raye - Little Red Rodeo
Album: The Best Of Collin Raye: Direct Hits
Year: 1997

A lot of the 90's blur together for me, as far as what came out when, but this song just feels like it was from the earlier half of the decade to me. "Rodeo" was co-written by fellow country artist, Phil Vassar. I've thought this to be a strong entry in Raye's long run of radio hits, but there are still many songs of his to celebrate in our countdown, that I figure we should spread out the love! Huge shout out to Collin, who happens to be following along on our Facebook page! (Not to brag, or anything, ha!)

353. Chris LeDoux - This Cowboy's Hat
Album: Western Underground
Year: 1991

We all know that the legendary Chris LeDoux never had a ton of radio support. Heck, only three of his radio singles cracked the Top 50, and this isn't even one of those. However, "This Cowboy's Hat" is such a strong song about standing up for what you believe in and being true to yourself. I hope those of you readers who are not familiar with LeDoux's music give this one a chance. It certainly deserved more credit than it received!

352. Brooks & Dunn - My Next Broken Heart
Album: Brand New Man
Year: 1991

The second single and also second in a string of four #1 hits from their debut album, "Broken Heart" is a perfect example of PRIME Brooks & Dunn country music. The idea that one is readily looking into starting a new relationship despite knowing it will not last is probably something a lot of people can relate with... although B&D make it sound a lot more fun than it usually turns out to be in real life!

351. Sammy Kershaw - Queen Of My Double Wide Trailer
Album: Haunted Heart
Year: 1993

Complete honesty, this Sammy Kershaw single wasn't even on the radio when I made the first draft of this list. I happened upon in while streaming other songs I had chose to feature and it was part of the shuffle. I haven't been able to stop listening to it since! "Queen" is just goofy enough to be an absolute blast while still keeping a great country vibe. Even the video is a good time!

Can you believe we only have another 350 songs to go in our countdown?! While I did note that these songs aren't really in any particular order, I did in fact put them in "levels." As we get closer to the end of the list, we will continue to see bigger and bigger songs. I hope everyone enjoyed this week's entry! Stay tuned for the above mentioned album reviews that we hope to start bringing you this week!

,,,Oh, that big announcement? That's right! Recently, some moves have been made to bring our blog to its own "Dot Com" site! We are hoping to launch the new website by next weekend's countdown blog! We hope that this move will allow us to bring you more updates in a clearer fashion. Blogger has been a good home to start us out, but we need to make more room in order to grow!

Make sure you are following us on Facebook and Twitter in order to help us help you continue to find our blogs, reviews and other features that we hope to bring to our readers soon! Thanks again for reading and please, continue to share on Facebook, Tweet us, Instagram us, whatever it is that you do!

-Arthur Born
Twitter: @BORNcountryBlog

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